Source: Google Play Store
We’re rounding up the best console games with ports you can pick up in the Google Play Store. Nowadays, there are so many options, but we’ve compiled a list that includes the best across all genres. Platformers? We got ’em. RPGs? Are you kidding me? Of course, we’ve got those. So no matter what kind of mood you’re in, you’re bound to find something here that will wow you.
Keep in mind that this is a list of best ports, so the quality of the port itself is a defining factor in whether or not a game makes the list. Not every game translates well into the mobile space, and some developers succeed where others fail. These have passed the test and have earned their place in the victor’s circle. You’ll find many of these titles on our list of favorite Android games overall, too. Ready? Let’s jump into some of the best console ports for Android!
Call of Duty: Mobile
Over 14 million ratings don’t lie: Call of Duty, the titan of first-person shooters, has managed to make the transition to mobile beautifully. Redesigned for mobile device optimization, all of the action you expect from Call of Duty is now easily accessible in the palm of your hand. With battle royale, 5v5 deathmatch, sniper versus sniper modes, and much more, COD mobile is on its 10th season for a very good reason.
There are loads of unlockable gear like weapons, outfits, and characters, along with maps from other beloved games in the CODiverse. The virtual controls are decent, but most players will likely want to connect a Bluetooth controller for the best experience. You can even customize which parts of the game you want to install, making the file size smaller or larger to suit your device and preferences.
COD mobile is free-to-play, monetized through in-app purchases and ads.
Call of Duty: Mobile
The de facto granddaddy of first-person shooters is just as fun to play on mobile as it is on consoles.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania is such a cornerstone of gaming at this point that it transcended the concept of mere platforming and ascended to its own sub-genre, the hallowed Metroidvania. This is my favorite way to game, so I am fiercely biased, but most gamers agree that the mobile port of Symphony of the Night is pretty darn good.
Jordan Palmer pointed out in his review that the touch screen controls aren’t ideal, but they are at least serviceable. If you have small hands and a huge phone, you might not even notice that the controls’ placement is slightly cramped. However, if you have a controller to pair with your phone, you’ll be able to have a better mechanical experience thanks to controller support provided by Konami.
For a whopping $3, you get the entire game without any microtransactions, options for English or Japanese voice acting, multiple languages supported for the captions, more replayability thanks to the addition of achievements, controller support, and a steady framerate. I’d say that’s a pretty incredible deal for one of the best-regarded Castlevania titles of all time.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
You deserve the best, don’t you? Of course, you do! So you just go ahead and treat yourself to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and get a taste of one of the pinnacles of platforming faithfully ported to a mobile phone near you.
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger is exactly the kind of game I turn to when I want to remind myself what makes this turn-based JRPG so fun. It has larger-than-life storytelling, charming and memorable characters, fantastic world-building, killer art design, and of course, strategic and engaging gameplay that will keep you coming back for years to come.
Chrono Trigger has held up well to the test of time, and the mobile port brings this legendary game into the hands of players who may otherwise have never been able to access it. The port has been optimized for mobile devices, so don’t expect a straight one-for-one comparison between the original and the port. The graphics were smoothed out, and the audio cleaned up for modern eyes and ears. There’s even an autosave feature and a couple of totally new dungeons for good measure! The touch-screen controls are decent, but controller support is there for those that prefer it.
All told, Chrono Trigger stands among the greats of the JRPG genre for a very good reason. If you haven’t been able to experience it before, then now’s your chance. And that’s for a measly FIVE BUCKS, no less. So do yourself a favor and pick this one up.
Chrono Trigger
A timeless piece of gaming exists in Chrono Trigger. Stellar gameplay, gripping plot, and charming characters make this a game for the books. The legend lives on in this excellent mobile port.
Dead Cells
We’re starting to catch up to modern times now, and boy, howdy, have we just got to talk about Dead Cells. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock and missed the hype, Dead Cells is a side-scrolling roguelike that follows in the footsteps of the Soulsborne tradition with its notoriously high difficulty. This one isn’t for those of us that are easily frustrated rage-quitters. However, patience and learning from your mistakes will get you much farther in Dead Cells, so maybe do a few minutes of deep breathing before you fire this one up.
There are many different playstyles that you can explore in Dead Cells, but you can’t afford to be lazy here, even with the little baddies. You’ll need to use all of your skills, which you can tweak with each new run following your inevitable death, like parries, dodges, and learning enemy behaviors to succeed. And the bosses? You know what, don’t even ask about those right now. You’ll find out when you get there.
Dead Cells’ port has been fully optimized for mobile and is notable for having touch screen controls that are actually good. Slap on top of all that, a great soundtrack and some truly gorgeous graphics, and buddy, you’ve got yourself one hell of a good game. It’ll cost you $8.99, but I can promise you it’s worth it.
Dead Cells
Dead Cells isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you can face up to the challenge to try and try again, then this roguelike belongs in your arsenal of best Android games. Period.
You didn’t think it was going to be all action-packed, wild rides over here, did you? Good, because Gorogoa is here to slake the thirst of puzzle junkies the world over! You may have missed it, but Annapurna Interactive has been quietly putting out some of the best indies on the market in recent years. Florence, Donut County, Sayonara Wildhearts, Maquette, and even the grandmother of all walking-sims, Gone Home — you name it, and if it’s a legendary indie, then I bet you five bucks that Annapurna backed it.
A fair number of Annapurna’s games are originally created for mobile, but Gorogoa counts among the ports. A fascinating puzzle game comprised of breathtakingly illustrated panels, Gorogoa asks you to rearrange and combine these panels in unique ways to solve puzzles. The more nuanced appeal of Gorogoa, beyond its stellar visual presentation, tells a deeper narrative through its thousands of hand-drawn illustrations.
Just about the only bad thing that I can say about this game is that it’s one of the shorter entries on this list, but Gorogoa earns its place among the stars with its exceptional creativity and vibrant flare. The hyper-visual focus makes it a no-brainer for Android, as the controls transfer very easily to the mobile space. So, if you’re searching for that next puzzler, then search no more. Here it is, the glorious Gorogoa!
The puzzle-game space can get rather crowded at times, but Gorogoa cuts through the noise with its truly exceptional presentation and execution. One of the better indies of the past five years is now on mobile, and you should give it a try.
GRID Autosport
Can triple-A console gaming actually be ported to mobile and work well? Yes, and GRID Autosport is the proof. GRID has held its title as one of the best mobile racing games out there for years, and its consistently high ratings are further evidence of how well-received this port has been by racing game enthusiasts.
At a whopping $10, the cost of entry is pretty high with this one, but you get a lot of game for that price. GRID Autosport on mobile includes all of the original game’s DLC, 100 maps, 100 cars, killer gameplay, and multiple options for control schemes and difficulty settings. Plus, the graphics here are pretty simply jaw-dropping, ensuring that every race and, of course, all of your lovingly souped-up vehicles look incredible.
This is also among the few games listed here that really push the limits on the technical side of mobile gaming, so there’s a chance your phone may not even be able to run this behemoth. The Google Play Store will let you know if your phone isn’t up to the task of handling this too fast, too furious monster. In short, there’s a reason GRID Autosport is still one of the top mobile racing games out there, and we should all consider ourselves lucky that the port is as high quality as it is. Feral Interactive knocked it out of the park with GRID Autosport on mobile.
GRID Autosport
Check out this mobile port of a AAA console racing game and be amazed. Not only is it beautiful, but it packs in a ton of value for $10. Race to your heart’s content in GRID Autosport.
Gris is a no-brainer port to Android. This casual adventure-platformer made quite a splash when it launched for consoles in 2018, largely thanks to its incredible art style. I’ve never taken more screengrabs of a game in my life, believe me. You play as the title character herself, Gris, as she traverses an evolving watercolor world on a quest of self-healing.
Having lost her voice after an unknown trauma, Gris’s world becomes washed out, empty, and gray. As you progress through the levels, though, you help Gris work toward an emotional reckoning, and the world begins to change in beautiful new ways. The journey is the whole point of this short but sweet indie, so that’s all I’ll say about that. You’ll have to discover the rest for yourself.
In contrast to its ambiguous yet impactful themes of overcoming internal conflict, Gris is free of danger or death. There are no enemies in the traditional sense, no creatures you have to fight to surpass. Instead, the gameplay consists of some interesting, smooth platforming and exploring your 2D side-scrolling world, which has some appreciated secrets built-in for you to find. The already simple controls transfer to mobile very well, so this is one where you may find that you don’t even want a controller. Gris could take as little as three or as much as 6 hours to finish if you’re a completionist, and those will be hours well-spent.
This indie is genuinely an accomplishment of art in motion, and I would recommend it to absolutely every gamer, no matter who you are or what you usually like to play. Gris is an experience and for only $4.99, it’s one worth having.
One of the most stunning adventure-platformers out there, Gris is a journey through a watercolor world of emotional growth. Smooth platforming, gorgeous environments, and a great soundtrack make this a must for your game library.
Let’s be real for a second; Limbo is just a give-in when it comes to the best mobile ports. Similar to the straightforward, no-frills gameplay featured in Gris, Limbo’s side-scrolling platforming combined with its stark black, white, and grey art direction allow it to transition seamlessly to mobile.
If you somehow don’t know about this award-winning indie game yet, Limbo has you play as a young boy searching for his sister through, you guessed it, limbo. The haunting atmosphere encapsulates the even more haunting narrative with laser-like precision. The puzzles are inventive and engaging. The sound design adds an immersive depth that makes you feel every last creepy crawly right down to your very bones.
I don’t want to tell you anything else about Limbo so that you can experience the game for yourself if you haven’t had the privilege yet. It has a free demo available on the Play Store and Play Pass holders can even pick up the game for free. Without Play Pass, though, you’ll still only pay a reasonable $4.99. Limbo is, and probably always will be, worth it.
Limbo’s creepy, disturbing atmosphere put it on the map back in 2010 and has kept it there all this time. Some say that the ending is a bit polarizing, but you’ll just have to determine that for yourself, now, won’t you.
My Time at Portia
It’s been a little over two years since My Time at Portia launched on consoles. During that time, it carved out its niche in the increasingly flooded realm of life sims. I don’t love the comparison (because it’s not truly accurate), but MTaP is most…